The Wake of the Warrior’s Journey and the Lifelong Pursuit of Meaning with Sustainable Investors Group

Morgan Fielder
3 min readDec 15, 2020

Friends curiously ask why I’m leaving a 6 figure career that is secure, 40 hours a week, and honestly pretty cool with a squat rack in the office where I get to help people.

I say, “I want more time to play cornhole.”


I want to build wealth and well-being on my terms.

I want to show my 2 daughters that they don’t have to pick between a career of service or environmental impact and time freedom. I want them to coach their kids soccer team after school or go on a month long hiking trip across the Alps if they want, while experiencing the peace of mind that comes with financial freedom in alignment with their values.

So few industries include women at the top because of the natural tension we have between nurturing our children and the rigid leadership structures in business or military. All parents (but our culture is especially challenging for moms) struggle to create quality work and legacy while enjoying their life as a family.

Everything in life is a tradeoff.

I’m so thrilled to recently learn that apartment investing is a fantastic vehicle that is flexible and possible to make impact for people, the planet and profits off wall street.

It’s naturally suited towards long term investors who are open to innovative technologies, sustainability value adds to reduce energy and water consumption, and strategies for connection and well-being of their community — whether it’s their tenants, investors, or other players in this tight knit space where relationships matter.

I love cultivating relationships and walking with people on their journey.

Now it’s time to shift from helping people one-on-one manage pain and regain movement freedom to playing a bigger game helping people find financial freedom. With sustainable real estate investing you can make money and make a difference. It’s really about peace of mind and time freedom combined.

So we’re gonna do a podcast!

Goals of the Podcast:

  1. Reframe the discussion of wealth.
  2. Restore the connection between economic, social, and environmental factors.
  3. Reduce the tension between making money and making a difference.

Build Great Wealth with Multifamily Green Real Estate!

Go Beyond the Status Quo

Are you ready to learn how REAL wealth is created in our country and make a social and environmental impact? I invite you to walk with me in a smarter kind of investing. Investments you can experience outside wall street. Projects outside philanthropy.

Let’s make money while making a difference!

Build Your Way

Sustainable Investors Group

By Morgan Fielder

Author profile: Morgan Fielder is an evangelist for sustainable investing. Join her eating, playing, and loving on nature around Europe exploring sustainability & husky powered oddesseys. She is living in Germany raising two gorgeous girls, wife of a rebel, serial expat, and is actively involved in the German community through several organizations. Visit her community project at and




Morgan Fielder

Evangelist for sustainable investing. Mom to two gorgeous girls. Wife of a Rebel. Doctor of Physio. Former sailor. Founder of