How to Offset Environmental Debt Created by Your Short-Term Rental Investment

Morgan Fielder
3 min readJan 15, 2021

Reducing Tension Between Making Money & Making a Difference with Sustainable Investors Group

Life is a tradeoff.

You ❤️ making money with your Airbnb or other short term rental, but you also want to ensure your grandkids have access to a clean future where they can hike the Pyrenees, surf off Portugal, or hunt in Alaska.

While an environmental debt is usually created by ✈️ travellers enjoying your short term rental or airbnb, it’s possible to mitigate some of the carbon load and work towards a valid middle ground solution.

It’s not an option to eliminate all travel in order to fight climate change and preserve the outdoors for future generations.

Solution: Self Imposed Carbon Tax for Short Term Rental Investors.

For ☮︎ peace of mind consider a portion of your profits to be donated to portfolio of non-profits working to solve climate change at the legislative, technological, or community levels.

And as a profit bonus: you can measurably market your short term rental as “green” with integrity! List the sustainability non-profit organization you invest in on your website. Showcase the good work they are doing and that you support.

The appetite for “green” vacations in growing — and you can fill that gap as a business entity, individual, or syndicate.

💥 Impact Investing to Offset the Environmental Debt Created by ✈️ Travellers to Your Airbnb $Investment.

Check out these carefully vetted non-profits that are part of the Rick Steve’s “Climate Smart Commitment” and consider donating to creatively mitigate the carbon footprint of travel.

🧳 Bread for the World

Collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad as climate change worsens hunger.

🧳 Project Concern

Reforestation, carbon capture, improved rural sanitation for rural families.

🧳 Agros International

Climate-smart agricultural practices to decrease fertilizer and adopt water savings tech.

🧳 Zeitz Foundation

Tree nursery, 100,000 tree plantings, seedlings prepared, and vocational arborist training for women in Kenya.

🧳 Rainforest Alliance

Regnerative agriculture in Ghana to increase cocoa production for farmers and grow seedlings.

🧳 Citizen’s Climate Education

Educate and influence policymakers about smart solutions to climate change.

🧳 Rainforest Action Network

Holding corporations accountable for their supply chains in Indonesia.

🧳 Food 4 Farmers

Climate-smart agricultural solutions for Central and South American coffee farmers.

For the Triple Bottom Line!

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By Morgan Fielder

Author profile: Morgan Fielder is an evangelist for sustainable investing. Join her eating, playing, and loving on nature around Europe exploring sustainability & husky powered oddesseys. She is living in Germany raising two gorgeous girls, wife of a rebel, serial expat, and is actively involved in the German community through several organizations. Visit her community projects at and




Morgan Fielder

Evangelist for sustainable investing. Mom to two gorgeous girls. Wife of a Rebel. Doctor of Physio. Former sailor. Founder of